7 Questions Every New Hire Should Ask on Day 1 – Podcast

Have these discussions immediately, even if you think you know the answers

The answers to these seven questions are critical for your success as you join any organization.  Originally, I titled this “7 questions every new salesperson should ask their manager”.  But then I realized, the answers are critical to every new hire.  No matter which part of a company you work in, the answers to these questions will help you be a better employee.  You will have a much better picture of how your role fits into the bigger picture of serving the customer.

Another important point: These questions are more for your first day on the job; not during the interview.  Some could be asked in the interview process, but most involve confidential information and you might be overstepping confidentiality boundaries a bit. 

It’s also important to understand that your manager may not have great answers to all of these questions.  That’s perfectly ok.  If that happens and your manager is completely stumped by the question, turn the question into an open discussion.  They might prompt her to seek the answers from her manager and generate further discussion with you later on.

Listen in as we cover all 7 questions you need to ask. They are also 7 questions you should be able to answer if you are a manager!

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