The Blog for the Ag Sales Professional

An Agriculture blog dedicated to selling in agribusiness.  These Ag blog articles focus on the best practices for selling to farmers and livestock producers.  We also focus on those salespeople who call on Ag buyers at the thousands of agribusinesses that serve the farming community

Go-To-Market changes in a post-Pandemic world First published in WABA Quarterly Magazine: Summer 2021 issue  How will you position your sales team to be successful and profitable for the company? In every generation, there is that moment when life will never be the same.  These cataclysmic moments change us forever.  We will refer to life before […]

Sales lessons from a great movie Want to watch a great movie?  One that is entertaining and has seven critical selling skill lessons?  Several years ago, “The Founder” came and went quickly through theatres.  So fast, most of us never had a chance to see it.  At first glance, it looks like a rags-to-riches heartwarming […]

Sell to be understood, not to impress Our waiter ushered us over to our table as we sat down in the small local diner.  My potential customer, Mark, knew the place well and most of the patrons in the diner.  After he got done saying hello to literally everyone in the diner, we made some […]

Closing Skills When I ask salespeople or sales managers, “What is the most important selling skill you want your sales team to improve?” the most common response is, “Closing Skills!” Prior to any training program, I meet with the manager who brings me in.  Typically, we are planning a training session for a mixed group […]

Want to get better at asking questions and speed up the selling process? In the last five years of training hundreds of salespeople, the one skill that everyone struggles with the most is – asking better questions. Better questions give you better information and allows you to better help your customer.  And, by better, I […]

Yes, you will take “No” for an answer, or you might get thrown off the farm! Traditional sales training preaches it.  “We don’t take No for an answer”.  Then, we get out in our territory and call on real world customers and prospects.  That’s when we find out the brutal reality.  We will be told […]

The most important step in the selling process It’s the least trained selling skill in all of sales training:  The Follow-up!  Getting the next appointment Understanding and using the Sequence of the Sale During workshops on prospecting and cold calling, I like to ask,  “How many of you sold one of your last five prospects […]

In a world selling commodities, the Trusted Advisor is worth more than a Salesperson.  But how much more? Salesperson ….  Skilled Salesperson …. Trusted Advisor I am a big believer in the value of becoming a Trusted Advisor.  Lately however, I have been working with agribusinesses and salespeople on the concept of what that is […]

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