The Blog for the Ag Sales Professional

An Agriculture blog dedicated to selling in agribusiness.  These Ag blog articles focus on the best practices for selling to farmers and livestock producers.  We also focus on those salespeople who call on Ag buyers at the thousands of agribusinesses that serve the farming community

Here are 10 Selling Techniques that are absolutely Free!  

Special guest, Wayne Schoeneberg joins me on today’s podcast for a discussion on How to ask good questions!   To learn more about Wayne visit As an accomplished trial attorney with thousands of trial cases under his belt, he shares his skills of asking questions.  Ultimately, he will meet both friendly and hostile witnesses on […]

  Are you stuck in the weeds or too lofty to understand the details?  Then you need an Altitude Adjustment! Think back to your last several sales calls. Did you get stuck in the weeds in one area? Did you only discuss big-picture topics and never get down into the details of actually doing any […]

And capture the other 75% of available customers A silly reference to Popeye, I know.  But hear me out.  It’s worth the read What was Popeye’s tag line? “I am what I am and that’s all that I am!”             I see many salespeople that follow that same mantra when they sell to their customers.  […]

  Every sales team has them.  If you think your team doesn’t, then it might be you! Walking by Carol’s office, I noticed her phone was off the hook and laying down on her desk in front of her as she worked on her computer.  “Carol, your phone is lying in the middle of your […]

It’s more important to your selling success than you think   What are the 4 Components of an Iconic Selling Experience (SX)?     During sales training workshops, one of the first points I convey is how important you are in creating the Selling Experience (SX) for your customers.  Lately, we hear a lot about […]

The ethical challenges of selling in agribusiness   “You do know that’s metric tons, right?” Don asked me.  With that question, my world spiraled into a state of panic.  Things were going great.  After my first year as a trainee, I had the exciting opportunity to work in the corporate office, helping to manage the […]

In between planting and harvest is 100+ days of summer Well, maybe not this year Originally published in Feed & Grain Magazine’s Coach’s Corner As plant 2019 finally comes dragging across the finish line, many of you are slipping into what is called a summer slump.  I know…I can hear you saying, “We have spraying, […]

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