The Blog for the Ag Sales Professional
An Agriculture blog dedicated to selling in agribusiness. These Ag blog articles focus on the best practices for selling to farmers and livestock producers. We also focus on those salespeople who call on Ag buyers at the thousands of agribusinesses that serve the farming community
Fear doesn’t lurk in the background; it jumps up in front of you and kills your sale Well-intentioned motivational speakers often turn fear into the acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. Not true. Fear is real and it’s there for a reason. If you fall off a cliff, you die. That’s real. If you overstep your […]
These killers lurk in the darkness of our minds. They put a stranglehold on creativity, growth and success. They hold us back and slow us down from reaching our potential. The first step to overcoming is to identify them and recognize which ones are killing our sales results. If you find yourself thinking that none […]
Last week, we made the arduous journey of building trust with our customers over a long period of time, possibly an entire career. This week, we deal with the even longer journey of rebuilding trust with our customers after somehow breaking it. The trust breaker might be one big event or multiple small ones. […]
Trust: The ultimate sales relationship tool A lifetime to build but can be lost in a second “How much money do you earn a year?” “When are you planning to retire?” “When are you going to propose to her?” Could you even imagine asking these questions at a social gathering, the first time you met […]
If you aren’t convinced, how can you expect your customer to buy? There’s an old adage in sales that says – The first sale is always to yourself. Meaning, you have to be convinced that you are doing the best thing for you, your company and your customer by the product or service that you […]
Which do you need help with? Eventually, the answer is “Yes” to both. However, you need to know which area of your selling process you should work on first. Selling better is a matter of your selling skills Selling more is a matter of getting in front of more prospects or customers. Both are important, […]
Use DISC to: understand yourself better, improve team dynamics and grow sales Hi-D…Hi-C… I didn’t know if we were talking about vitamins or fruit drinks. I was 30 minutes into a three-day course on people skills and trying to catch up on the conversation. Brian (a fellow classmate) was explaining one of his customers, […]
Don’t forget to have fun Sooner or later as an Ag Sales Professional, you will have a customer service issue like the one I had. It’s not a matter of if, but when. So, get good at handling them to keep from losing a customer over it. Driving up to my customer’s feed mill, […]