Category: Sales Coaching

Digging into two overused sales phrases you should stop believing now! Recently, I have seen repetitive social media posts regarding two sales phrases that everyone just keeps posting, reposting, and must believe.  The purpose of this article is to shed some real light on the damage those sayings do to a salesperson’s motivation. The first […]

When over-serving customers becomes a nightmare, it’s everyone’s problem You might find it hard to believe a salesperson has anything bad to say about customer service that goes above and beyond the call of duty.  But I am.  And here’s why.  We’ve all heard the stories of a restaurant waiter that had a customer order […]

When over-serving customers becomes a nightmare, it’s everyone’s problem You might find it hard to believe a salesperson has anything bad to say about customer service that goes above and beyond the call of duty.  But I am.  And here’s why.  We’ve all heard the stories of a restaurant waiter that had a customer order […]

The 2 data points you must have to plan your schedule The wild, wild west vs. assigned territory strategy Too many times in the last 7 years of training sales teams, I have run into the same sales productivity problems.  Thought the discussion might help you on your sales productivity journey.  As I call it, […]

The 2 data points you must have to plan your schedule The wild, wild west vs. assigned territory strategy Too many times in the last 7 years of training sales teams, I have run into the same sales productivity problems.  Thought the discussion might help you on your sales productivity journey.  As I call it, […]

Tis the season for following up As I write this, it’s four days before Christmas.  You might think I’m going to recommend that you relax, or maybe even rejoice. Not today!  Right now, I want you to Follow up. Today, I want you to make a very important step in securing more sales in the […]

Tis the season for following up As I write this, it’s four days before Christmas.  You might think I’m going to recommend that you relax, or maybe even rejoice. Not today!  Right now, I want you to Follow up. Listen in as we cover the Key Concepts and the 3 Levels of follow-up intensity……. and […]

Selling Myself Yourself Almost a tongue twister Remember when we had a dozen or more candidates per open territory?  Today, it’s more likely that you have a dozen openings per candidate.  It’s too expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating for your customers to turn over your sales team.  Here’s a very important component to solving that problem […]

Selling Myself Yourself Remember when we had a dozen or more candidates per open territory?  Today, it’s more likely that you have a dozen openings per candidate.  It’s too expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating for your customers to turn over your sales team.  Here’s a very important component to solving that problem in your business. This […]

Do you know how to calculate what you are worth to your customers? Most salespeople don’t. Listen in as I interview Dale Furtwengler to help you figure it out. In his career as a CFO and 30 years consulting with business owners and sales teams, Dale has a clear message on how you can get […]

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