Category: Sales Coaching

And the 1 message you must hear as an Ag Salesperson At this moment, our industry has become a noisy world of negative ag stories. Some are warranted, and some are not.  In 2024, we had tough Ag economics and we are one week away from a president inauguration, which could add more stress to […]

And the 1 message you must hear as an Ag Salesperson At this moment, our industry has become a noisy world of negative ag stories. Some are warranted, and some are not.  In 2024, we had tough Ag economics and we are one week away from a president inauguration, which could add more stress to […]

The Ag Sales Professional’s Guide to better discovery methods Selling can be viewed as a Q & A exchange (questions and answers).  We go to the farm, ask questions to find a need, and then sell a product that hopefully meets that need.  The struggle occurs when we do a poor job of truly identifying […]

The Ag Sales Professional’s Guide to better discovery methods Selling can be viewed as a Q & A exchange (questions and answers).  We go to the farm, ask questions to find a need, and then sell a product that hopefully meets that need.  The struggle occurs when we do a poor job of truly identifying […]

When to pull the trigger on grain sales This is not just for grain buyers or merchants. Your farmers pay for your products with the money they earn from grain sales. If you sell to farmers or your customers sell to farmers, listen to or watch this interview with Susan Stroud. It just might help […]

Sales mirror, sales mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest salesperson of all? Well, it’s the end of the year and the new year is almost upon us.  How did you do?  In the next 30-60 days, that conversation will go on all over agribusiness as salespeople sit down with their managers to reflect on […]

Sales mirror, sales mirror on the wall, who’s the greatest salesperson of all? Well, it’s the end of the year and the new year is almost upon us.  How did you do?  In the next 30-60 days, that conversation will go on all over agribusiness as salespeople sit down with their managers to reflect on […]

Or is it all about price? The idea for today’s article occurred many years ago as I tried to differentiate myself from all the other salespeople calling on my customers.  I sold in the B2B (business to business) industry of selling to farmers and feed dealers.  You might think that in business-to-business selling, it would […]

Or is it all about price? The idea for today’s article occurred many years ago as I tried to differentiate myself from all the other salespeople calling on my customers.  I sold in the B2B (business to business) industry of selling to farmers and feed dealers.  You might think that in business-to-business selling, it would […]

Says every farmer in today’s economy If you call on farmers or livestock producers, then you hear that quote far too many times on your sales calls.  So often that you believe it’s true.  So often that you hang your head and struggle to make sales calls on current customers, let alone cold call on […]

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