Category: Sales Coaching

What are you worth as a Trusted Advisor Salesperson? In a world selling commodities, the Trusted Advisor is worth more than a Salesperson.  But how much more?   Salesperson ….  Skilled Salesperson …. Trusted Advisor   Listen in as we discuss the true value and only using that value where it is rewarded with customer […]

Do you struggle to start the conversation on a cold call? 6 Steps to opening the conversation and keep it going During workshops, I’m frequently asked how to start the initial conversation with a customer.  Typically, they are asking about how to open the conversation with a prospect on a cold call. If you struggle with […]

Those first 30 Seconds on a Cold Call Do you struggle to start the conversation on a cold call? 6 Steps to opening the conversation and keeping it going During workshops, I’m frequently asked how to start the initial conversation with a customer.  Typically, they are asking about how to open the conversation with a […]

Also available on video.  Click below I recently had the great opportunity to interview Chrissy Wozniak of North American Ag.   Based in Ontario, Chrissy spent her career in agribusiness. She launched a consulting service to help agribusinesses figure out the selling and marketing process. She also launched North American Ag, which is a connection service […]

200th Celebration Celebrating a milestone at Ag Sales Professionals     our 200th article After five years in business, we are celebrating the 200th blog post-article.  I want to thank you – the readers and podcast listeners.  This weekly article is dedicated to the hard work that agribusiness salespeople go through to become the trusted advisors to their […]

USING THE FOUR PERSONALITY STYLES TO IMPROVE YOUR SELLING SKILLS Which Style makes the best Salesperson? If you are looking for a quick way to improve your selling approach with customers, take a look at the DISC Assessment.  Most of us have gone through a personality assessment of some kind in our life.  There’s Myers […]

Using DISC in Sales Using the four personality styles to improve your selling skills &  Which Style makes the best Salesperson? If you are looking for a quick way to improve your selling approach with customers, take a look at the DISC Assessment.  Most of us have gone through a personality assessment of some kind […]

HOW TO SELL WITH CONFIDENCE…… WHEN SELF-DOUBT IS SCREAMING AT YOU Recently, the area of Confidence in the selling process has become a focus area with several salespeople and teams I am working with.  Most of us know that we need a lot of self-confidence to sell.  Or, at least the salespeople we meet seem […]

How to sell…..  when self-doubt is screaming at you Listen in as we cover these 6 moments Confidence Moment #1:  Making the phone call or turning down the driveway on a cold call Confidence Moment #2:  Going back or calling a prospect to gain the second appointment Confidence Moment #3:  Asking a Closing style question […]

7 Ways to keep the Sales Fires Burning Whether it’s the dead of winter, the dog days of summer or the middle of a pandemic, you need to keep pursuing the sale But How?  I’m tired…. seeing little progress…. customer complaints are piling up….  Selling in agribusiness is playing the long game.  We typically need […]

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