Category: Sales Coaching

It’s more important to your selling success than you think   What are the 4 Components of an Iconic Selling Experience (SX)?     During sales training workshops, one of the first points I convey is how important you are in creating the Selling Experience (SX) for your customers.  Lately, we hear a lot about […]

What’s the Selling Experience (SX) like with YOU?   It’s more important to your selling success than you think What are the 4 Components of an Iconic Selling Experience (SX)?

The ethical challenges of selling in agribusiness   “You do know that’s metric tons, right?” Don asked me.  With that question, my world spiraled into a state of panic.  Things were going great.  After my first year as a trainee, I had the exciting opportunity to work in the corporate office, helping to manage the […]

In between planting and harvest is 100+ days of summer Well, maybe not this year Originally published in Feed & Grain Magazine’s Coach’s Corner As plant 2019 finally comes dragging across the finish line, many of you are slipping into what is called a summer slump.  I know…I can hear you saying, “We have spraying, […]

Use this lull in the action to sell, coordinate and improve engagement. Applies to Friday’s as well   I have to admit as a salesperson, I love holiday weeks like this one.  But not for the reason you think.  The 4th is on Thursday this year, which means most people will work Monday and Tuesday.  […]

How to use famous quotes to sell your biggest customers   Let me start by throwing a few quotes at you and then we will try to make sense of their conflicting message: “Think Big to Be Big!” – Herb Tarlek, WKRP in Cincinnati TV show from the ’70s. Also quoted by many salespeople trying […]

How an NFL commercial can help you develop your team!   In the mid-’80s, several companies ran ads during NFL games called, “You make the call”. They were short clips of some incredible football plays that were somewhat gray areas for the referee to make the call.  Hence the name, “You make the call”.  They […]

Selling value seems like an uphill battle in a downward trending market   I hear this statement often when working with sales teams. “Greg, this market has become so competitive.  Competitors are discounting prices and throwing in extras that just about squeezes out our profitability.” Selling value seems like an uphill battle in a downward […]

And What you need to do to survive, thrive and prosper through them! Last time we covered the first three megatrends in Ag sales.  For the complete article, go to 5 Megatrends in Ag Sales. #1: Tighter End User Economics #2:  Fewer Local Offices & Support Staff #3:  Fewer Salespeople             Our journey continues through […]

And What you need to do to survive, thrive and prosper through them!   Megatrends can be defined as those trends that are universal to everyone in the category and viewed as permanent.  In other words, it’s not a 3-5-year trend.  A megatrend is something that will most likely not reverse. A few words of […]

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