Category: Sales Coaching

Calling on the Wrong accounts! Start with Who Simon Sinek is great but wrong!  Well, maybe not wrong, just not as clear as I think he could be.  If you’re not aware, Simon is a YouTube sensation, writer and motivational speaker who speaks on his topic, “Start with Why”.  It’s a great message and I […]

Disorganization Recently, we went through the Top 5 Sales Killers (Fear, Failure, Belief, Mundane, and Comfort).  In those five blogs, I outlined how these five emotions kill your sale.  Now, we are going to dig into the top 2 aspects that kill salespeople.  Obviously, not literally kill.  I mean these two aspects kill a salesperson’s […]

It’s bumper to bumper until someone makes a mistake Or someone helps the car in front make a mistake As I watched the final laps of Saturday night’s NASCAR race in Daytona, with multiple crashes at the end, I couldn’t help think how similar this was to selling feed, seed, and tractors to farmers.  Didn’t […]

It’s not the end of the world The regional sales meeting was coming up in three weeks and I was trying to figure out how I could somehow contract some kind of 3-day disease to allow me to skip the meeting.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed these meetings and got a lot out of […]

I don’t believe it anymore Have you ever heard someone described as a “Born Salesperson?” Yeah, me too.  Prior to going into sales, I believed it.  After decades in sales, I don’t believe it for one minute.  Sure, I think people are naturally better at communicating, understanding the small intricacies of verbal/non-verbal communication, or networking […]

Develop the belief in yourself, your product, and your customer or you will never believe in the sale! This is Part 4 of a 5-part series on the Five Sales Killers.  See previous articles at: The 5 Sales Killers Sales Killer #1 – FEAR Sales Killer #2 – FAILURE Sales Killer #3 – MUNDANE   […]

The Mundane, the Work, The Planning, The Extra Effort or Whatever you want to call it. This is Part 3 of a 5-part series on the Five Sales Killers.  See previous articles at: The 5 Sales Killers Sales Killer #1 – FEAR Sales Killer #2 – FAILURE   “Oh, I could never be a salesperson” […]

Failure teams up with Fear to form one of the most powerful sales killer: The Fear of Failure This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on the Five Sales Killers.  See previous articles at                           The 5 Sales Killers                    Sales Killer #1 – FEAR                 […]

Fear doesn’t lurk in the background; it jumps up in front of you and kills your sale Well-intentioned motivational speakers often turn fear into the acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real.  Not true.  Fear is real and it’s there for a reason.  If you fall off a cliff, you die.  That’s real.  If you overstep your […]

These killers lurk in the darkness of our minds.  They put a stranglehold on creativity, growth and success.  They hold us back and slow us down from reaching our potential.  The first step to overcoming is to identify them and recognize which ones are killing our sales results.  If you find yourself thinking that none […]

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