Category: Sales Coaching

That feeling when you finally get your truck out of the rut and start moving Keep the momentum going! Welcome back to the journey to reinvent, reinvigorate and recharge.  If you missed the previous article, here’s the link to the complete article Teaching an Old Sales Person New Tricks, and here’s a quick summary: Review […]

This is my 15th Horse Fair! What could possibly be different?   As I loaded up the minivan with promo material, samples and booth accessories, I was dreading the next 4 days.  Every year, for the last 15 years, I made the journey to set up and work the booth at the national horse show.  […]

Diagnose, then Prescribe! Imagine you are very ill.  You are experiencing terrible abdominal pains.  You rush to see your doctor.  He takes one look at you doubled over in abdominal pain and hands you a prescription for Vicodin.  “Here” he says, “This is what you need.  It works wonders on all my patients.”  Two days […]

As a salesperson, you can tear down the walls that separate!   As a sales trainer, consultant and coach, I start the process with a deep dive into current sales team strengths/weaknesses and the reinforcement or changes needed.  This discussion typically goes on with the general manager or VP of Sales.  In almost every case, […]

Internal Networking: “Quit Coveying” at Sales Meetings! We could see Rob, our sales manager, coming from across the auditorium.  We knew we were in trouble.  Not real trouble.  Just that humorous kind of trouble that he used as a great management tool. It was July and like many companies in agribusiness, we were having our […]

My guess is yes. Working with sales managers in agribusiness on a daily basis, I hear this complaint a lot.  “We launched a great Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program, but the sales team just does not use it.”  “We spent a lot on it and it has the capacity to do great things.”  “However, we’re […]

Nobody likes to be surprised after the sale “I didn’t realize I only had a week to use the service!” “You didn’t tell me there wasn’t downside protection on this option strategy” “If I’d have known that, I never would have bought it!” Ever hear these comments from a customer?  Do you hear them too […]

Learn to Thrive on Meeting Future Customers! “You will lose 25-30% of your customers every year!” “New customers are the Life Blood of the organization”. These words rang out as I listened to the speaker.  This speaker knew what he was talking about as the leader of a growing and thriving agribusiness.  His point was […]

  Territory Management Lesson #1 for the Ag Sales Professional Who’s Your “Wal-Mart Customer” and do you really want to sell them?   Who’s your Wal-Mart Customer?  What does that mean?  It means, who is the biggest prospect in your market.  For the Ag Sales Professional, it often means the biggest land owner in your […]

Practical Steps to manage your fears when selling   Jody was calling me from the prospect’s parking lot.  A bit nervous to make her first call on a prospect alone, she phoned to “just talk” for a few minutes. It didn’t take long to realize the anxiety around this call had been building with Jody […]

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