Sales Accountability – Podcast

“Can you send me an email and tell me what you did last week?”

is not a bad question

Preface:  This is not a political commentary despite using a political reference.  This is all about accountability and improving your sales results.

“If you are working as hard as you possibly can toward growing your sales and taking care of customers, then responding to an email like this shouldn’t phase you a bit.  I would gladly fill it out and hope that someone calls me to let me know how I can do it better.”   Greg Martinelli

The question itself is not bad, not unfair, and not micro-management……unless

  • It depends on the manager asking
  • It depends on the employee being asked
  • It depends on their relationship
  • It depends on why it is being asked

Listen in as we discuss how this question can be used as a salesperson and sales leader for positive results!

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