Selling to Customer Needs vs Wants – PODCAST

Which is better to focus on,

a producer’s needs or their wants?

The short answer is Both!

As farm profitability tightens up, so does the farmer’s wallet.  Their first reaction will be to reduce spending across the board.

Your company’s reaction:

Your company feels the brunt of this as your P&L statement begins to take a hit.  Gross sales and gross margin are down.  Yet, overhead hasn’t changed.  So, your agribusiness company has its own choices. 

Your reaction as a salesperson: You compile more data.  You develop more ROI calculations

Your customer’s reaction: They consider your comments but decide to go with a lower upfront or out-of-pocket cost.  Why?  Because that is what they “Want”.

Listen in as we discuss the 4 ways you can help your company, your customers, and yourself in the next 12-18 months

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