Tag: Ag Sales Professionals

In confusing situations, here’s how to guide your customers to the right solutions The discussion had gone on for hours. We looked at seed varieties, multiple nitrogen strategies and several different herbicide programs on this sales call. I was riding along with an agronomist this past year as he met with several customers in the […]

Safety for the Ag Sales Professional With our general manager in earshot, it would always bring some mild humor to our day, when I would ask loudly, “Hey, where are the keys to the train?”  This usually led to his exclamation, “Sales managers don’t drive trains!” Most kids are in awe of machinery.  Especially big […]

Why should I buy from your company? Know the answers to these questions before your prospect asks!   These two questions oftentimes stump an audience or individual I’m working with.  If you are a salesperson, I encourage you to get really good at answering these questions.  If you are a sales manager, bring this exercise […]

Who are “They”? “They” are those people in corporate…Those salespeople! The salesperson says, “They don’t get it. I wish “They” understood how hard it is out here! It’s easy to say those things or send an email, but let’s see them come out here and tell my customers that.” The manager in the corporate office […]

Is this where your next sales call will be? Customers are no doubt busy from time to time.  Selling to farmers, livestock producers and agribusinesses is no different.  There are times of the year when it seems virtually impossible to get an appointment.  As harvest approaches, it can feel like farmers want nothing to do […]

30% of your salespeople are operating on wrong information and it could be killing sales for no reason!                 “We don’t deliver on Wednesday’s”                 “Every order has to be run through Mary in accounts receivable”                 “We only ship in full truckload quantities”                 “We can’t do […]

We wear complexity like a badge of honor Keeping it Simple “Well, it depends,” Chris told the producer.  Inside my head, I was screaming at Chris to just make it easy and explain in simple terms.  Unfortunately, he didn’t and the producer responded with the typical, “I don’t know.  Let me think about it.” I’m […]

While you are driving down County Road C today, ask yourself a real question.  “What am I worth to my customer versus my competition?”  I mean really ask yourself this question.  And put it into actual dollars per unit of whatever you sell.  “Am I worth $10/ton of feed over my closest competitor?” “$20/bag of […]

If you are not familiar with Feed & Grain Magazine, you should be.  Especially if you are in the feed or grain business. Twice a month, I get the honor of writing a sales training article specific to the Ag selling community.  If you sell to farmers, producers, or any agribusiness then stop by Coach’s […]

Calling on the Wrong accounts! Start with Who Simon Sinek is great but wrong!  Well, maybe not wrong, just not as clear as I think he could be.  If you’re not aware, Simon is a YouTube sensation, writer and motivational speaker who speaks on his topic, “Start with Why”.  It’s a great message and I […]

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