Tag: Agri-business

“I sure hope another salesperson stops by today!” Listen in today to get help with one of your biggest dilemmas.  One of the most common reasons for not prospecting or cold calling is that salespeople don’t want to be pushy, salesy.  They don’t want to be a bother. As salespeople, we want to be wanted. […]

What tools do you use to be more efficient? Towards the end of every sales workshop, I have attendees fill out a quick feedback form.  One of the questions I ask is, “What should we have spent more time on?  Time management is always at the top of that list.  With a large geography and […]

How to navigate the deep waters of selling in agribusiness Today, as you jump into your pickup and venture out into your sales territory, remember that there can be some treacherous waters out there.  These waters are filled with dangerous reefs, strong currents, and menacing creatures.  But they are also filled with opportunities, new worlds, […]

How to differentiate from competitors and increase your selling success One of my favorite training points with any audience is on the subject of differentiation.  It should be the first step in your sales career because it completes the most important phrase in your vocabulary: “Customers hire me to _________ when they want (because) ___________.” […]

How to differentiate from competitors and increase your selling success One of my favorite training points with any audience is on the subject of differentiation.  It should be the first step in your sales career because it completes the most important phrase in your vocabulary: “Customers hire me to _________ when they want (because) ___________.” […]

3 sales math equations to make you more successful when selling in agribusiness Several years ago, I wrote the blog, “Sales Math”.  The reason I wrote it was the lack of understanding that I saw in new and experienced salespeople alike.  When coaching or training a salesperson, I explore their understanding of these basic equations.  […]

3 sales math equations to make you more successful when selling in agribusiness Several years ago, I wrote the blog, “Sales Math”.  The reason I wrote it was the lack of understanding that I saw in new and experienced salespeople alike.  When coaching or training a salesperson, I explore their understanding of these basic equations.  […]

3 Frequently Asked Questions I get as a sales trainer and coach Listen in as we cover some highlights and tips to help You with these common questions!

3 Frequently Asked Questions I get as a sales trainer and coach It’s the most often asked question in all of my 30 years as a salesperson, manager, coach, and trainer.  It’s a great question but has a very long answer.  However, here are a few concepts to help answer the question: 2. “I am […]

7 Benefits of going from a salesperson to The Trusted Advisor in your market Selling in any profession can be tough.  Selling in agribusiness can be even tougher.  Our farmers (customers) operate on narrow margins.  They have high cash investments to plant a crop or raise livestock.  Our customers manage a complex, high cash, low […]

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