Tag: Agri-business

The #1 problem with the explosion of CRM programs and how you can avoid it from day one The agribusiness industry has been inundated with CRM programs. The Problem:  It starts early in the selling process.  When the CRM salesperson calls on a company, they start at the highest level:  CEO, CFO, or VP of […]

Big moments in training with a lifetime impact on your results In the last six weeks, I have been in front of five different audiences in the US and Canada.  I’d like to share a common experience that has occurred in all five of those and how it can help you or your sales team.  As […]

5 Ways to sell to the reluctant customer Are you familiar with the technology adoption curve?  It’s the 5-stage bell curve depicted in the picture above.   Developed in the 1950s by Everett Rogers, it breaks customers down into five categories by how they adopt new technology: Innovators = 3% Early Adopters = 13% Early Majority […]

5 Ways to sell to the reluctant customer Just about every industry is affected by new technology.  We are all trying to become faster, better, and always with an eye on increasing the ROI for our customers. However, as salespeople, we struggle to get our customers to adopt this new technology.  Listen in as I walk […]

and learning when to choose the correct one  Working around sales organizations every day as a sales trainer and coach gives me a chance to compare and contrast great salespeople versus their peers.  While there are dozens of key factors in achieving high results, these three skills seem to always come through on high-performing salespeople, […]

“I have no problem selling, I just struggle with making cold calls” “How do I start the conversation?” “I know the customer doesn’t want to see another salesperson stopping”   If these sound like you or your sales team, then you are in the right place.  I hear these statements in some form with every […]

“I have no problem selling, I just struggle with making cold calls” “How do I start the conversation?” “I know the customer doesn’t want to see another salesperson stopping” If these sound like you or your sales team, then you are in the right place.  I hear these statements in some form with every sales […]

3 Ways to focus your selling process on Outcomes As salespeople, one of our greatest fears is to appear pushy or annoying to our customers.  This is especially true in Ag.  Many of you grew up on a farm and saw how irritated your parents became when certain salespeople stopped by your farm.  Prior to […]

3 Ways to focus your selling process on Outcomes As salespeople, one of our greatest fears is to appear pushy or annoying to our customers.  Prior to sales training workshops, I spend a lot of time interviewing the salespeople that will attend.  After many years of doing this, one problem seems to come through in […]

Get organized, stand out from the competition, and sell more! 5. Trust Formula TRUST = CREDIBILITY X RELIABILITY / SELF INTEREST 6. When in doubt about what you should do next, go prospect!            If you work from your home office as many salespeople in Agribusiness, then you know you have to be disciplined in setting […]

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