Tag: Agri-business

Leading Great Sales Team Presenter:  Greg Martinelli www.gregmartinelli.net  Program length & format:  2 ½ -hour workshop.  This workshop format includes lecture, breakout sessions, small group role play, and completing your own Sales Team Dashboard.  Who is this session for? For the Salesperson and Sales Manager:  You will get real-world methods to organize and manage yourself […]

Click on the audio bar below to listen to our conversation If you struggle with cold calling, prospecting, and how to get away from a customer’s snap judgment of you as “just another salesperson”, then you will enjoy this interview! Over the years of working with thousands of salespeople and surveying hundreds of agribusiness managers, […]

A Salesperson’s internal war that rages every day and 3 ways to win each battle First and most importantly, I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or anyone that can give needed mental health medical advice.  I am, however, a salesperson who has had success and failures in the constant battle that goes on inside the […]

A Salesperson’s internal war that rages every day and 3 ways to win each battle Mental Warfare I describe it as a battle or a war because that is exactly what it feels like as salespeople venture out into their territory.  We go from calling on a current customer who loves us and gives us […]

The higher you climb, the lower the objections Over the last six years of blogging and podcasting, personal brand building has been the subject over a dozen times.  The importance can’t be stressed enough.  You either climb the brand ladder or remain stuck on a rung you might not like.  The higher you go, the […]

The higher you climb, the lower the objections Over the last six years of blogging and podcasting, personal brand building has been the subject over a dozen times.  The importance can’t be stressed enough.  You either climb the brand ladder or remain stuck on a rung you might not like.  The higher you go, the […]

Listen in this week as James Hulsey from Taranis joins me on the podcast. James has been involved in the agribusiness industry for many years across several product lines and from Texas to the Eastern corn belt and into Kansas & Missouri. We talk all about his journey in sales and helping Ag Retailers do […]

Use Persistence, Empathy, and Genuine Optimism We’ve all heard someone in a meeting say, “We need to double down on our efforts to get the job done”.  Whenever I hear this, it always makes me think, “What if we triple down or quadruple down?  Why just double?” Selling is tough today.  As always, customers have […]

Use Persistence, Empathy, and Genuine Optimism We’ve all heard someone in a meeting say, “We need to double down on our efforts to get the job done”.  Whenever I hear this, it always makes me think, “What if we triple down or quadruple down?  Why just double?” Selling is tough today.  As always, customers have […]

You have to be remembered to sell Your customers are swamped.  They are busy, super busy!  If they fail to learn about you and your products, they will certainly not remember you when deciding who to buy from.  If they currently get a similar product from your competitor, they are heavily inclined to just keep […]

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