Tag: Agri-business

Which do you need help with?  Eventually, the answer is “Yes” to both.  However, you need to know which area of your selling process you should work on first. Selling better is a matter of your selling skills Selling more is a matter of getting in front of more prospects or customers. Both are important, […]

You Lead Teams, Manage Things and You Coach the Individual It’s happening all across the agribusiness industry:  Mergers, Acquisitions, and Consolidation.  One of the results of these three events is overloading your sales managers.  Now, I understand the thought process of increasing a sales manager’s workload and adding salespeople to their area.  Sales managers are […]

Even the best need a coach – And they do more with that coaching than most A few quick notes before we jump into the list.  First, coaching should be defined for the purposes of coaching a sales team.  I am referring to the one to one interaction of working with a salesperson on improving […]

You learn a lot more in the tough times than the good! Ever talk with a relative that survived the Great Depression?  Like no other experience in their lives, these years of despair changed their lives and shaped who they are.   Both my parents grew up in that timeframe and often tell stories of how […]

And everybody is on commission A short week calls for a short article.  This one is easy to explain and easy to understand.  Simply put, “Everyone is Selling Something!”  You might not have the designated title as a salesperson or you might not interface with the external customer, but trust me, you are selling someone […]

Celebrate Customer Service Week Oct 2-6 The classic 1999 movie Office Space was playing recently and I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched the interview scenes from the Bob’s.  They were two consultants, both named Bob, brought in to conduct employee interviews and make recommendations on who to downsize.   In one of the interviews, […]

Top lessons for every Ag Sales Professional from McDonald’s A few years ago, the movie “The Founder” came and went quickly through theatres.  So fast, most of us never had a chance to see it.  Flipping through Netflix recently, I had a chance to watch it and was amazed by the great sales lessons you […]

As a salesperson, you can tear down the walls that separate!   As a sales trainer, consultant and coach, I start the process with a deep dive into current sales team strengths/weaknesses and the reinforcement or changes needed.  This discussion typically goes on with the general manager or VP of Sales.  In almost every case, […]

Originally published on Feedandgrain.com It takes the whole team to solve your industries biggest challenges! A look at the various roles departments play when introducing a new pellet to market There it was, piled high in the center of the table. Six months of testing, sampling and screening and there it was — the perfect pellet. […]

Data Tells but a Story Sells Which do you remember more, your 6th grade American History class or the historical scenes from Forrest Gump?  For most of us, 6th grade was so long ago, we can’t even remember the teachers name, let alone what she said.  Why?  We think it is because it was boring.  […]

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