Tag: Agronomy Sales

We’re “Fixin” to get busy in the farming and agribusiness world.  Many parts of our industry are busy all the time, but late March through mid-June is an extra busy time.  On the farm, ground needs to be worked, fertilizer spread and crops planted.  In our Agribusinesses, we prepare for this rush of activity and […]

Trap #1:  What do you have for me today? See Last Week’s blog post for more on how to handle this situation Trap #2:  What’s Your Price? Other potential versions of this are: “How much is this going to cost me?”  or “I can’t afford that!” or for my grain buying friends, “What’s your basis?” […]

                           I really shouldn’t call them traps because I truly don’t think our customers are setting a trap.  They are just busy people and want to get right down to the point.  As most of us know, the sales process involves – Connecting-Asking good questions to uncover needs-Presenting a solution to those needs-Closing […]

Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of training many salespeople in the skills and art of becoming an Ag Sales Professional.  While it’s true that selling is selling, there are some specifics that help when you know the industry you are training in.  For this week’s article, I started to think about how I […]

Senior Year There’s a life cycle in every career and being an Ag Sales Professional is no different.  In most cases, we start out young, with little experience.  If we stick with it, we move into our experienced years, where we climb to success and then move into the waning years of our career. This […]

There’s a life cycle in every career and being an Ag Sales Professional is no different.  In most cases, we start out young, with little experience.  If we stick with it, we move into our experienced years, where we climb to success and then move into the waning years of our career. There’s nothing comparable […]

If You Ever…..                         Many of you will remember Jeff Foxworthy and his classic comedy routine of “You might be a Redneck”.  They were a series of things that you might have done in your life that indicated that you might be a redneck.  Recently, I was in mixed company and was telling a […]

There’s a life cycle in every career and being an Ag Sales Professional is no different.  In most cases, we start out young, with little experience.  If we stick with it, we move into our experienced years, where we climb to success and then move into the waning years of our career.  Below are a […]

Here’s How             It happens to every person who ever set out on the great adventure of selling something.  Eventually you will experience that moment in sales when you FEEL Salesy.  You know it when it happens and it’s not a good feeling.  Learn how to recognize it, self-correct for it, learn from it & […]

I Don’t Want to be too “Salesy”             I can’t tell you how many times I heard that statement over the years while coaching sales people on farm calls, but it was often.  I knew exactly what they meant but it always bothered me for several reasons.  I would usually reply, “Yeah, nobody wants to […]

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