Tag: Feed Sales

How to overcome the biggest challenge to selling biologicals After reading through a recent survey conducted by Crop Life Magazine on selling biologicals, I think it’s important to understand a key element from that survey.  While the survey focuses on crop producers, you could easily adapt this to selling certain livestock products as well.  Animal […]

How to overcome the biggest challenge to selling biologicals After reading through a recent survey conducted by Crop Life Magazine on selling biologicals, I think it’s important to understand a key element from that survey.  While the survey focuses on crop producers, you could easily adapt this to selling certain livestock products as well.  Animal […]

Storytelling skills for selling and the job interview Dustin Toberman from Omni Ag Consulting joins me in a discussion about storytelling skills and how they help during the job interview process. Dustin spent the last 25 years in the grain business as an originator, merchant, and leader. He now runs Omni Ag Consulting, which is […]

“Can you send me an email and tell me what you did last week?” is not a bad question Preface:  This is not a political commentary despite using a political reference.  This is all about accountability and improving your sales results. “If you are working as hard as you possibly can toward growing your sales […]

“Can you send me an email and tell me what you did last week?” is not a bad question Preface:  This is not a political commentary despite using a political reference.  This is all about accountability and improving your sales results. “If you are working as hard as you possibly can toward growing your sales […]

Which is better to focus on, a producer’s needs or their wants? The short answer is Both! As farm profitability tightens up, so does the farmer’s wallet.  Their first reaction will be to reduce spending across the board.  Large ticket items like tractors, buildings, and expansions will immediately come to a screeching halt.  The next […]

Which is better to focus on, a producer’s needs or their wants? The short answer is Both! As farm profitability tightens up, so does the farmer’s wallet.  Their first reaction will be to reduce spending across the board. Your company’s reaction: Your company feels the brunt of this as your P&L statement begins to take […]

One with your top 5 and one with your manager After working with agribusiness sales teams from East to West Coast and from Texas to Alberta, I can tell you that every salesperson will benefit from having these two conversations right now.  The outcome will help you focus your selling efforts on the two most […]

One with your top 5 and one with your manager After working with agribusiness sales teams from East to West Coast and from Texas to Alberta, I can tell you that every salesperson will benefit from having these two conversations right now.  The outcome will help you focus your selling efforts on the two most […]

A needed selling skill for the tough economic times on the farm. Last week, we went over the fact that farmers shop harder during tough times.  This week, I want to also remind salespeople that in tough times producers will reduce all expenses with their vendors.  You are going to experience more “No” responses in […]

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