Tag: seed sales skills

They need you now, more than ever before Strategies for showing up and making a difference for your customers   Originally published in the winter edition of Wisconsin Agribusiness Association’s Magazine WABA Magazine As the crowd of several hundred took their seats and the announcer began reading my intro, I had a thought on how to […]

Ahhh!  The Company Christmas Party   A new look at an old tradition

How You are disengaging half of your customers! For them, socializing is actually painful We start our selling process by the book and with good intentions. We are taught in sales that people buy from people…. Or, people buy from people they like or trust.  All very true.  So, we think that before we go […]

Data Tells but a Story Sells Think about this statistic…. when speaking to an audience, only 5% of the people in the room will remember a statistic after you finish your presentation.  However, 63% will remember a story you told. Don’t believe me?  Listen in and Test for yourself.

Did you grow up on a farm?  Did your dad hate certain salespeople that called on him?  OR Did he hate all salespeople that called on him? Do you hear your dad’s voice in the back of your head as you turn down the driveway to cold call on a prospect?

From a great new book by Chris Voss, “Never Split the Difference” Often times, I’m asked to train a sales team in the area of negotiating.  Typically, this means negotiating around price resistance or more specifically, how to not drop the price to get the sale.  While that is an important skill, I have found […]

3 Negotiating Tactics for the Ag Sales Professional From a great new book by Chris Voss, “Never Split the Difference”

Is this where your next sales call will be?                   Customers are no doubt busy from time to time.  Selling to farmers, livestock producers and agribusinesses is no different.  There are times of the year when it seems virtually impossible to get an appointment.  As harvest approaches, […]

7 Strategies for Selling to Busy Farmers Game plans for the ag sales professional during harvest Originally published in Coach’s Corner in Feed & Grain Magazine Sep 2018

Fear of the Farm Call And the 5 steps to overcome those fears

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