Storytelling skills for selling and the job interview

Dustin Toberman from Omni Ag Consulting joins me in a discussion about storytelling skills and how they help during the job interview process. Dustin spent the last 25 years in the grain business as an originator, merchant, and leader. He now runs Omni Ag Consulting, which is a consulting service to help both job candidates find the right career fit and agribusinesses find the ideal candidate.

Today, Dustin joins me on the podcast to discuss how a candidate can stand out and be remembered through the use of storytelling skills. Over the years, I have written and spoken on this topic as a means to help you sell. Stories help our customers understand how they might gain when buying our products. They help the customer remember as stories have a much higher retention rate in our mind.

Below are some key moments and the topics we covered in our discussion. Click on the audio line below to listen in!

Key discussion times and topics:

  • 06:05 – How a candidate can stand out and be remembered following an interview
    • The recruiter’s dilemma – too many resumes to remember
    • The power of storytelling
  • 10:00 – The stories are what they remember
  • 13:10 – Which stories should you tell?
    • My Ag origin story?
    • How I overcame challenges story?
    • The traditional hero’s journey story?
    • The similar situation selling story
  • 16:20A professional resume is only one piece of the puzzle
    • What are recruiters really looking for when they interview you?
  • 18:02 – I feel like I have a normal routine life.  So, where do my stories come from?
  • 30:20 – Dustin updates us on the current state of the Ag job market
    • WFH challenges
    • Plenty of jobs and Plenty of candidates but difficult to match them up
  • 36:50 – Why is there such a high turnover rate in certain parts of the agribusiness world?

Dustin Toberman contact info:



Phone: 314-277-3918

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